Sunday, September 11, 2011

Butt Muscle...

I have chiropractors dream going on in my lower back/butt. I hurt my lower back doing concrete last summer. It wasn't a big issue until I started logging more miles in preparation for the TC Marathon. Now It spread down to my Butt. It doesn't bother when I am running. Its after that it really hurts, and especially when I am in the process of sitting down. During my last long run this AM it sent tightness up to my upper back and rib cage.

There are a few things I am going to try. I need to taper a lot more for this race, and especially to help the injury mend a bit. I need to see a chiropractor. I never have... and this feels like a perfect situation for a professional to do some work.

I want to do some really fast shorter runs in the next 2 weeks, and then take the last 5 days off with a few jogs. I NEED TO NAIL 2:50!

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